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               Our History

                                                    Where did Nelsons Homeopathy Really Start?

Ernst Louis Armbrecht, a young pharmacist and disciple of Samuel Hahnemann, came to London to publicise his knowledge of homeopathy. In 1860 he founded Nelsons and was succeeded by his son, Ernest Louis Nelson Armbrecht.

Since then, Nelsons has been supplying homeopathic medicines prepared in the Hahnemannian tradition. Our wish today is the same as 152 years ago: to make homeopathy accessible and to provide the highest standards of medicine and advice.


Homeopathy originates from the Greek words homeo, meaning similar, and pathos, meaning suffering. The basic principle of homeopathy was recognised by Hippocrates as early as the fifth century. Over 200 years ago, Samuel Hahnemann, a German doctor and chemist, worked with this principle and is credited for developing a comprehensive system of medicine, which is known as homeopathy.


Today homeopathy is widely accepted as an effective treatment for many conditions, and is, in some cases, available on the NHS. Nelsons homeopathic medicines are renowned as being safe, non-toxic and non-addictive and are prepared in laboratories licensed by the Department of Health to stringent quality standards.


Homeopathy is a natural alternative to conventional medicine and is suitable for adults, young children and for animals. Please note however that a qualified vet must be consulted for treatment of animals. Homeopathy stimulates a natural healing process through remedies by stimulating the body's own natural forces of recovery.

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